Tuesday, August 4, 2009

A Baby Giant

32 Weeks 4 days

Where do we begin….. John and I have had a very eventful week and it’s only Tuesday. It all started when I went for my normal check-up yesterday Aug 3rd at 9:30 am. I didn’t feel any different from any other day. My doctor went through her normal list of questions and let me know that my blood pressure and everything looked great. Then she asked me my concerns. I told her I was a little concerned because Kelby had not moved as much that morning as normal. I told my doctor that I had taken Benadryl the night before and thought maybe that was why she was not moving as much. Just to be safe the doctor hooked me up to the monitor for 20 minutes where I was in a room by myself. I felt Kelby moving around like she should be and when my doctor came in to check the monitor she noticed I was having contractions every 2 minutes. I was in SHOCK!!!!

I was sent to the hospital for observation where they gave me medicines to help slow down the contractions. While I was there we did an ultrasound. It showed that Kelby is weighing in at 6lbs and her growth development is at 86%. A normal baby at this time normally weighs between 3-4lbs. Our due date is still Sept 25th but the computer’s due date is Sept 3rd based on her development. We weren’t as shocked about her weight since John and I both were big babies but we were still pretty shocked. They admitted me into the hospital last night at 6pm. Kelby’s weight was the talk of the nurses station. The good news is that everything started to finally slow down last night and I have not dilated at all. I was sent home tonight. I have to start my weekly Doctor appointments on Monday. My doctor still wants Kelby to stay in the oven for another 2 weeks. After that she said she won’t stop anything.

31 weeks 4 days


  1. Oh my goodness, hang in there...take it easy and keep us posted!

  2. i am glad you and baby are doing well, now. i had similar issue about a month before she was born but they were affraid she was too small and i had 5 min apart contractions, scary stuff but i am glad things are back to normal for ya'll.

    you are the cuttest little preggo ever, too!!

    can't wait to see her beautiful face. and try to enjoy every second because even if you are unconfortable, it will be over before you know it!

    kelby coming soon!! love her name
