Monday, November 23, 2009

Already over 2 months old!!!!!!!!

Kelby's Baptism

Getting ready to see her 6 week old friend Braden next door.

Smiling at Daddy after the Aledo play-off game

Sleeping while John and I play the new Mario wii game!!! LOL

Kelby turned 2 months on November 13th which was the same day as her 2 month check-up. She now weighs 13 lbs and is 23 inches long. She is still at 100% on the growth chart. She had her first round of shots that same day … Let me tell you; it was much harder for me then for her. John stood over the table with her while she had her shots… Thank god he was there!!! I was crying before they even poked her. I told John that next he will have to go by himself because it was so sad for me. At the end he was holding little Kelby and me as we both cried. She stopped crying before I did…LOL. She did great after her shots. She didn’t get a fever but she did want to be held the entire day….which is fine with me because I LOVE holding her. She has had another big growth spurt in the past week. She is now wearing 3 in diapers and 6-9 month clothes! This week I am trying to go through all of her clothes so I can reorganize them by size.

We have been having so much fun!!!!

Monday, November 9, 2009

8 weeks old!!!

Kelby is 8 weeks old this week!! She is growing up so fast!!!

It is amazing how much she changes each week. She started sleeping through the night at 6 weeks and has been doing great. We didn’t get to experience the newborn stage because she was a big baby so she is already wearing 3-6 months. She can hold her head up and is beginning to smile J. She used to only smile in her sleep but now she will smile at her mommy and daddy. Her smile makes for a wonderful day every morning!!! I started back to work 2 weeks ago but I am only working 2 days a week. Leaving Kelby the first day was so hard…L John was so sweet and waited to leave for work that morning until I did. I cried throughout the day because I missed her so much, but I know she is well taken care of by her Grammie. I can’t even begin to think about dropping her off on her first day of school…LOL. Our lives are starting to feel very normal again. I started back at the gym 2 weeks ago which has been great because it has really made me feel normal again. Kelby will be going for her 2 month shots on Friday so I will be very happy when that’s over.

Playing dress up for Halloween.... Kelby at 7 weeks

6 weeks old!!

1st day back at the gym with Kelby on the outside of my belly.

Her snuggy she sleeps in...

She was leaving us a surprise in her towel:)

3 weeks here... She looks so small.

Our first night out at Tiff's wedding... Kelby was only 3 weeks old and I missed her so much!!!

Kelby meeting her Great "Grandnunner" for the 1st time.