We are 29 weeks this week....WOW, It’s flying by!!!! I went to the Doctor a week and a half ago and everything is going great. She is still growing like a weed!! Before I left my Doctor’s visit my Doctor said “well, it looks like she will be here in about 10-12 weeks” (keep in mind I was only 27 weeks then), and that’s when it hit me. Our little Kelby will be here before we know it. I will begin my bi-monthly Doctor visits on the 20th of this month.
Kelby is still as active as ever. It is so cool to feel her little elbows and feet move across my belly. She loves to move around in the late evening. Her Daddy keeps her a wake before bed by talking to her, but she loves it.
With summer being here it is getting very difficult dealing with the heat. When they say “your feet grow half a size when you’re pregnant”, they weren’t lying. My hands and feet are swelling soooo bad. Not to mention I am carrying an extra “26lbs” around these days. I only have another 9lbs to gain before I gain too much, according to my Doctor. Obviously I’m pregnant, but it is so funny to think that I have to be careful not to gain more than 10lbs in the next 2 months.
I had to post this picture of Sampson. Look at him sticking his tongue out at John :) HAHA