Thursday, July 12, 2012

Baby Burrows #2

It has been way to long since the last time I signed into my blog account!!!! So much has changed. We moved out to west Texas in May of 2011. Kelby will be 3 in September (how is that possible?) and we are expecting Baby Burrows #2 Dec. 28th!!!! We are all so excited about our growing family. Kelby keeps telling me "I can't wait for my baby to come out" :) We find out the sex of baby #2 next Wednesday the 18th. Everyone keeps asking me if I feel like its a boy or girl and I really don't know either way. You know, when Kelby was born she weighed 9.13 and was two weeks early!!! Our first apt. here my doctor told me to be prepared for another big baby because we had a big baby plus John and I both were 10lb + babies. He said if its a boy that they are statistically 10% bigger then the last baby....YIKES!!! But if its a girl then she will most likely be the same size or maybe a little smaller than Kelby. Who knows...I did it the first time so I'm pretty sure we will be fine. Watch us have a 7 lb baby ;) I had a pretty good first trimester. I was a little tired but the pregnancy hormones really didn't bother me until the late evenings. Now that we are in the second trimester at 16 weeks I have had a couple of rough mornings but I'm still eating like a pig! I've had to put off the gym until the afternoons instead of mornings. I've grown out of my size 5 1/2 wedding bands and have put on the old size 7 rings that I wore with Kelby. My feet have definitely not gotten too bad yet but they do swell. I won't consider it bad until I wake up in the morning with unrecognizable anckles ;) I've already have put on 10lbs since finding out we were pregnant. I gained 60+ with Kelby but my goal is not to push 40lbs with this one.... Tough goal, right?!?! I have started at the same weight as when I was pregnant with Kelby BUT I had lost 10lbs off my starting pregnancy weight with Kelby after having her. I was in great shape when we got pregnant with Kelby which probably helped. When we moved to Midland I managed to put on 10lbs to put me back at the same pregnancy weight as with . I know I'm going on and on and on about this but I lost my spunk with working out after moving here. I still go to the gym 4-6 x's a week when we moved here but it is like I just am there to hang out. Now that I can't lift at all anymore because of ligament pulling and only doing 1hour of walking a day on the treadmill I am mentally trying to get ready for the work to be done after baby comes. It's possible and I am capable so it should be easy, right?!?! I just hope I'm not in the same work out funk as I have been for the past year when it is time to work because I know it will probably be twice as hard as the first time.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

6 months old

Kelby turned 6 months old last week!!! We had a very long week. Kelby and I both caught a terrible cold and then we had her six month doctor’s visit on Thursday. We finished up her baby shots and now that she is old enough she got the H1N1….total of 5 shots. We both did great!!! I didn’t even cry this time... I was so proud of myself :) She now weighs 20lbs and 2 1/2oz and is the size of an average 10 month old. My parents came to stay with us a couple of weekends ago and granddaddy walked her around outside and every time he would bring her in she would cry. Dad woke up the next morning and was so sore from carrying her….but he would walk her around all day everyday if he could. It is so AMAZING how much love grandparents have for their grandbabies.

Kelby is now sitting up and is drinking juice from her sippy cups. Her new favorite thing to do is play “Tea Party” while watching her cartoons. It won’t be long before she is crawling. She can kick her legs and push herself up but she just hasn’t put it all together yet. I'm not ready for her to be on the move. Kelby has to wear sunglasses outside because her eyes are super sensitive to sunlight and she absolutely loves them!

My little Diva!!

Thanks aunt Sally for my new swimsuit!!

After her shots :(

Playing outside in her walker

Silly girl!!!! Watching her monring cartoons.

The Waco zoo.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

5 1/2 months

Sitting up!!!

Taking pictures with Aunt Sally

Katie, Sally and me

Daddy and his baby girl

Getting ready for her pictures :)
We had a great weekend!! We started off with Kelby’s photo shoot on Friday evening... It was so much fun…. I can’t wait to see the proofs! We were so exhausted afterwards. Kelby could not stop looking around at everything in the studio. I’m so glad we finally got around to doing professional pictures. On Saturday, I ran in the Cowtown 5K with my sisters. Saturday night, my family came in and we went to the Japanese Palace and Kelby had her first experience at a Hibachi grill, as always she did great! Sunday, we did yard work all day long… so we are now officially ready for spring!! Kelby especially loved the beautiful weather we had all weekend because she was allowed to go outside for a few hours each day. On Sunday her granddaddy walked her all around outside!!! I’m not sure who had more fun, my dad or Kelby.
Kelby get’s to start going to the daycare at the gym in 2 weeks…. I’m really excited because I will be able to go to the gym more than 4 times a week but I’m very nervous about her being there by herself…. I’m pretty sure she will love it because it is big and very colorful.

Monday, February 15, 2010

5 Months Old!!!

Kelby turned 5 months old this weekend. I know I say it every month but, “Where has the time gone?”

The past month has been such a developmental month for her. She is rolling over, eating from a spoon, holding her bottle, playing with her feet, talking and laughing so much more. I can really tell a difference in her interaction with her surrounding environment from week to week. She is getting more exhausted at the end of each day now because we play so hard all day and take fewer naps. She is such a bright ray of sunshine every morning with her big smiles. Everyone thinks she is so heavy now. The only time I notice is when I pick up other babies. She is now in 9-12 month clothes and size 4 diapers.

Happy Valentine’s day!!

Playing with her toys at Pappy and Grammie's

Sampson going for his snowy evening run:)

Being Silly!!

Kelby's neighbor friend Brayden

A winter Thursday evening

Worn out from playstation

Friday, January 22, 2010

4 Month Pics....

Granddaddy babysat and didn’t know what she should change into :)

Kelby took her soothie out to tell me about it :)

Kelby and her new amazing friend "Emma"

Kelby opening her gifts from Emma